
Building large-scale applications on the web

When I can, I record screen casts of the presentations I give. Here are a number of recent presentations you can check out. If you’d like me to speak at your event, shoot me an email dave [at] davebouwman [dot] com.

JS.GEO 2013: Javascript in the Enterprise

This was a super fun event that I was thrilled to speak at, and this 30 minute talk covers how we’ve been using Backbone.js along with the Esri javascript API to build some pretty complex applications for state DOTs

DevSummit 2012: Real-Time with NodeJS

In this talk discuss some R&D work we did using Node.js, and the Esri stack.

DevSummit 2012: Presentation Zen

After years of people asking how we create these presentations, Brian Noyle and I lay out how we build presentations. Watch as I (inadvertently) call out the Dev Summit keynote speaker Steve Riley for having low-resolution images (~17:30) Turns out Steve was in the room and things get fun!