DevSummit and DevMeetup Videos

Posted by Dave Bouwman on April 18, 2014

Just a quick note that the video of the Javascript Unit Testing talk from the Esri 2014 Developer Summit is now up. We gave the talk twice, and while there are two recordings of the talk, the first one had some video and audio issues, so the one below is the one to watch (literally!)

Direct link to video

In this talk I start things off with the “zen of testing”, then David Spriggs talks about using the Intern, followed by Tom Wayson discussing Karma, and I close the talk with Grunt + Jasmine + automation.

Here is a PDF of the slide deck as well – may be useful in discussions with others.

All the tools we discuss in the session are listed in in Tom’s github account.

Speaker Info

DevMeetup Video

I also gave a quick presentation at the Fort Collins Dev Meetup, and recorded a screencast. In it, I talk about the soon-to-be-released-in-beta ArcGIS Open Data project at a high-level, and then demonstrate the front-end developer workflow related to automated linting and unit testing. I then showed some of our integration tests running (using selenium, driven by mocha + wd.js). Finally I talked about some work I’m doing taking “best practices” from the Open Data project and creating yeoman scaffolders to help people start off new projects with all the infrastructure in place. For this demo, I scaffolded and published a (really simple) web app up to github pages in ~2 minutes. As this moves forward I’ll be posting about the scaffolder’s themselves as well as how to create scaffolders.

Direct link to video

In the video I demonstrate a number of the tools and concepts that I’ve written about in these posts…